Saturday, 1 January 2011

New Year's Day 2011

Creative blog title, eh?

Killing some time before I meet up for dinner with a friend to have a very inspirational conversation about the year ahead. I've been doing a lot of thining recently, philosophical and pratical and working out what needs to change in my life, how I need to change, plans and goals for 2011 etc. It's a long list so I think I need to break it down into more managable chunks.

The only good news I have to share today is the I won £8.70 on the Euromillions lottery. Start as I mean to go on. Tink pawsitive thawts!

And I really need to do some form of detox. Would love to be able to afford a few bikram yoga classses for starters and a late night chat on Twitter has got me thinking about the Master Cleanse. January will be dance classes, yoga classes and fitness bootcamp. I know it's such a cliche to make the "Lose weight, Get Fit and In Shape" New Year's resolution but I do all this stuff anyway, I just need to step it up when all the studios get back to their regular timetables and (literally) get my arse into gear.

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