Tuesday 1 March 2011

Half-Birthday To Do List - Update

BREAKING NEWS: The splits are getting easier to do. I have done them thrice in as many days. Ooooh!

Okay, that's a little bit of a lie, it was actually four days but that didn't sound as good/impressive. Anyway, should I post photographic evidence of achieving my Half-Birthday goals? Might be a bit difficult protraying my fluency in Portuguese through photography. Maybe a photo of me deep in conversation with a Brazilian who's not looking confused will work. Or if I had the guts I'd take the CELPE-Bras exam and then could scan my certificate when I passed.

Creative project stuffs happening, it's all quite quirky and fun. I was dancing/moving in a live video music shoot at the Roundhouse yesterday. The video was streamed live but it should be posted on You Tube soon. Not that you can probably actually see me because there was all this trippy graphics stuff put on top of the footage, but it will still be exciting to see. Maybe I will be able to pick out my arm! People will be queing up to get me to sign their sandwich. Yay!

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