Sunday, 8 May 2011

A Big Ol' Chunk Of 2011

Has it really been two months? Well, I haven't been slacking. A lot has been going on in the meantime:

I was working on a data analyst project job for a well-known company which was challenging but rewarding too. I've not completed a project and looking for another job. I need to keep working to pay the bills but I'm I'm thinking long and hard about the next steps(s) to take. Should I go in another direction. Should I finally look for a job that combines all the things I like doing rather than a job I'm qualified/experience enough to do. Lots to think about on this one.

I rehearsed and performed a contemporary dancer role in a play with one of my theatre companies. This required long hours but it was worth it do get some contemporary dance experience under my belt. An interesting change to the roles I normally do.

My bootcamp course have started up again and I'm now two weeks into the programme and it is TOUGH! However as as friend has asked me to run the Dublin marathon with her in October, I really need this bootcamp as a kick-start to my training. Somethign has to get me running!

Thanks to Company Magazine I won the chance to see the Water For Elephants premiere last week which was really exciting and a wonderful night out. And I got some free popcorn too. Way-hey!

Plus lots going on with my friends and personal relationships including someone special entering my life and being absolutely lovely and a gay pirate wedding! And what a spectacular day that was!

So going forward I'll continue with the job hunt and bootcamp but I have lots to think about and consider and projects in the pipeline. Taking steps forward into (co-)choreographing, writing and recording music and getting a proper site and blog set up and looking swishy!