Saturday, 16 October 2010


Well, I made it back from Edinburgh and immediately got struck down with various illnesses, probably as a result of not looking after myself. I seem to have recovered just in time for my corneal transplant on Wednesday. Great. So I get a couple of days of feeling okay before I get the eye sliced into and follow that up with God knows how long of feeling dreadful. Perfection!

Due to this upcoming procedure I've not signed up, audition etc. for any shows so life is getting a bit boring. Not much else to report. Although I am back at the bellydance classes (Tribal Fusion, actually), getting to a few yoga and pilates classes and just dyed my hair a lovely bright red-pink colour today. I'm going to be a sexy corneal transplant patient I've decided. Bring it on!

Oh look, it's me:

AND I've made a blog to document my procedure and recovery. The link is in my profile. Ch-check it out.

PS: I am LOVING "The Flood" by Take That. MARRY ME TAKE THAT!!!