Wednesday, 25 August 2010

Edinburgh Update

Have grabbed a coupleo f minutes in and internet cafe and am having at fab time at the Fringe. Absolutely knackered but it's my own fault. I should eat better, rest more and drink less. I am on holiday though so it's allowed. Boths shows are going well. Great audiences and reviews. Love reading the comments on twitter. Go Team Bubonic! And if you're not here you can watch some clips from the show on their websites:

Love it!

Must eat now.

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

The Last Day Of This Year

My birthday is tomorrow so I guess that means it's time to get reflective and think about my goals for the next year ahead. I don't have to but it's something I obviously like to do. Although I seems to always be setting myself goals and targets that I never reach. Life always gets in the way. A change of circumstances or some drama will pop up that throws everything off course. I should be used to it by now. I should have learned by not to stop setting myself lists of targets to reach and just go with the flow. But I like lists so will so it anyway.