Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Next On The List

So the month is almost over and I've taken part in new play, The Showgirl, and did some cabaret in Network Theatre's 70th Anniversary celebrations. Now it's time to focus on the panto rehearsals so we can pull off a great show in December which will be fun fun fun! I'm very excited about doing it. Especially as I'll be running around on stage in either a fancy frock or pirate gear. Maybe it's a side-effect from my eye problem but I like all things piratey. Fun!

At time of writing I may also have a possible short term "normal" job in the pipeline and if I wasn't going to be busy enough I shall also be stage managing a play at the beginning of December called "Dogging". Just got the script through, it's rude, cheeky and fun. Sounds like I'm summing myself up there!

Both shows will take me up to Christmas and I'm already comtemplating what to do with my life come January. Fresh new evenings and weekends to fill up with fun, creative projects. Bring it on.

Wednesday, 7 October 2009


I'm been trying to plan my social life and it's not going well. I am going to be BUSY! Especially next week when not only do I have ongoing rehearsals for a play AND a cabaret performance (both of which are opening on the same evening!) but I also start panto rehearsals on Sunday too which is another thing to factor in and to make sure I have all the imporant dates down in the schedule. Come the 18th things will have calmed down slightly and I'll only have one production on the go. Maybe by then I can use my free time to integrate myself back into the working world and pay my way like everyone else.

In the meantime I have updated and set up my Stage Jobs profile and website. It's all in the early stages but it's time to put myself out there more. Need a job, gotta work!